Find great deals for Ace of Base Happy Nation (1993). In the spring of 1993, Ace of Base released their European debut album, Happy Nation. All That She Wants was released in America in the fall of 1993 and quickly went platinum, beginning a string of platinum Top Ten singles in the U. Ace of Base ( ), 1987 Happy Nation. Ace of Base Official website page, Happy Nation U. version The Sign (Ace Of Base, AOB) 1993 10 29 6 1 2. Happy Nation von Ace Of Base als VHS, mit Tracklist und weiteren Infos Ace of Base fue una de las bandas suecas ms famosas de los aos 90. Con sus melodas mezcla de Pop y Dance junto a sus pegadizas letras lograron llegar al nmero uno en todo el mundo. Su lbum ms exitoso es Happy Nation (1993) y sus ediciones posteriores, que lograron vender ms de 23 millones de copias. Su formacin original fue integrada por Ulf Buddha Ekberg, y tres hermanos. EURODANCE Ace Of Base Happy Nation ' 1993. Ace Of Base Happy Nation ' 1993. Happy Nation is the debut album of Ace of Base, a pop music group based in Sweden. It was released in early 1993 in Europe and Latin America. The album once held the world record as the highestselling debut album of all time, a title which it has since relinquished. : Ace of Base Happy Nation (1993) [FLAC MP3: Ace of Base Happy Nation (1993) [FLAC MP3: 6344: or or or or 1080p or 720p. ACE OF BASE Happy Nation (1993) EUR 1, 11. Great album that is in very good condition. Listen to your favorite songs from Happy Nation (U. Version) (Remastered) by Ace of Base Now. Stream adfree with Amazon Music Unlimited on mobile. Happy Nation ( ) Miutn az egyttes tagjai hallottk a svd 20as toplista Another Mother cm dalt Kayo Shekoni eladsban, reszmltek, hogy pontosan az az a. Happy Nation es el primer lbum del grupo sueco Ace of Base. Fue lanzado en 1993 en Europa e Hispanoamrica. Alcanz el nmero 1 en varios pases y vendi ms de 23 millones de copias. Happy Nation is the debut studio album by Swedish pop group Ace of Base. It was initially released in Denmark on 16 November 1992 by Mega Records. During development of the record, the group was heavily influenced by a Jamaican reggae band residing in a nearby studio. [1 Let's talk about Ace of Base's debut album, 1993's Happy Nation. Given everything you've read so far, does seeing the word nation in the title make you feel uneasy at all? Given everything you've read so far, does seeing the word nation in the title make you feel uneasy at all. Mix Ace of Base All That She Wants (Official Music Video) YouTube Ace of Base The Sign (Official Music Video) Duration: 3: 19. Ace of Base (Official) 31, 079, 326 views ACE OF BASE Happy Nation (1993) EUR 1, 11. Primul album, Happy Nation, deine recordul mondial Guinnes pentru Cel mai bine vndut album de debut. Discografie [ modificare modificare surs Articol principal: Discografia formaiei Ace of Base. Check out Happy Nation by Ace of Base on Amazon Music. Stream adfree or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. Ace of Base ist eine schwedische Pop gruppe aus Gteborg, die in den 1990er Jahren weltweit erfolgreich in den Charts war. Zu ihren bekanntesten Hits gehren All That She Wants, Happy Nation, The Sign, Beautiful Life und Cruel Summer Lyrics to 'Happy Nation' by Ace Of Base. Laudate omnes gentes laudate Magnificat en secula Et anima mea laudate Magnificat en secula Happy nation Living in a happy nation Ace Of Base Happy Nation (169 HD) 1993 46. Ace Of Base Happy Nation (169 HD) 1993 Rutube. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Happy Nation Ace of Base on AllMusic 1993 Ace of Base Happy Nation HD. Happy Nation Ace of Base, 1993. In the spring of 1993, Ace of Base released their European debut album, Happy Nation. All That She Wants was released in America in the fall of 1993 and quickly went platinum, beginning a string of platinum Top Ten singles in the U. Mix Ace of Base Happy Nation (Official Music Video) YouTube Ace of Base The Sign (Official Music Video) Duration: 3: 19. Ace of Base (Official) 30, 652, 034 views seedpeer. eu Ace of Base Happy Nation (U. Version) (320 kbps) 1993 Other Misc 18 hours Ace of Base Happy Nation (U S Version) (320 kbps) 1993 Music Albums de Ace of Base The Bridge (1995) modifier Happy Nation (aussi connu sous le titre The Sign) est le premier album studio du groupe sudois Ace of Base. Sommaire Dveloppement Modifier Happy Nation est commercialis en 1993 en Europe, en Afrique et dans les pays d' Amrique du Sud au label discographique Festival Records. L'album s'est class premier dans 14 pays et a t vendu. Succs international et Happy Nation The Sign ( ) Ace of Base s'est inspir du titre Another Mother de Kayo Shekoni (en) pour leur single All That She Wants. Malgr la popularit modre remporte par Wheel of Fortune, une autre chanson fait connatre Ace of Base l'international. Happy Nation by Ace Of Base (1993) The buzz was so big that fourth single The Sign was already Top 5 that Happy Nation single had yet to leave the top spot. On its side the album reigned 14 weeks that should have been 24 weeks. With Ace of Base, Jenny Berggren, Jonas Berggren, Linn Berggren. Happy Nation is a song recorded by Swedish group Ace of Base from their debut album with the same name. Mega Records (Danish euro house) (1993) (tracks 12, 4, 79, 1213) publisher: Megasong Publishing AS (tracks 113) Polygram Songs Don't Turn Around by Ace of Base Happy Nation by Ace of Base Living in Danger by Ace of Base The Sign by Ace of Base Waiting for Magic by Ace of Base Happy Nation debiutancki album szwedzkiego zespou Ace of Base, wydany w 19 lutego 1993. Album szczyci si przez jaki czas [potrzebny przypis tytuem najlepiej sprzedajcego si albumu debiutanckiego. Znalaz si na szczycie listy przebojw przynajmniej 14 krajw, a liczba sprzedanych egzemplarzy szacowana jest na 23 miliony. Happy Nation, an Album by Ace of Base. Released 19 February 1993 on Metronome (catalog no. Ace of Base was a Swedish pop group, originally consisting of Ulf Ekberg and three siblings: Jonas Berggren, Linn Berggren and Jenny Berggren. The group released four studio albums between 1992 and 2002, which sold more than 30 million copies worldwide, making it the thirdmost successful Swedish band of all time, after ABBA and Roxette. Happy Nation is one of the bestselling debut albums of. This is the US version of the Happy Nation Album. 1993 Metronome Music GmbH Hamburg under license of Mega Records, Copenhagen. Ace of Base All That She Wants (Top of the Pops) 1993. LR: Ulf Ekberg, Jonas Berggren, Julia Williamson, Clara Hagman Background information Origin Happy Nation r ett album frn 1992 av den svenska popgruppen Ace of Base. Albumet slpptes i en andra version fr den europeiska marknaden den 25 september 1993, Happy Nation US Version, och kort drp, 23 november 1993, i Nordamerika under namnet The Sign. De olika versionerna av albumet tillsammans hade 1997 slt 23 miljoner exemplar och var fr en. Version) (Remastered) by Ace of Base on Amazon Music. Stream adfree or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. Il 25 settembre 2003 stata pubblicata in Europa una nuova versione dell'album dal titolo Happy Nation U. Version, seguita il 25 novembre dello stesso anno da The Sign, un'altra versione dell'album pubblicata in America, Canada e Giappone contenente, 1993: Ace of Base cronologia. Find a Ace Of Base Happy Nation first pressing or reissue. Complete your Ace Of Base collection. Ace of Base was a Swedish pop group, originally consisting of Ulf Ekberg and three siblings: Jonas Berggren, Linn Berggren and Jenny Berggren. The group released four studio albums between 1992 and 2002, International success and Happy NationThe Sign ( ) While Wheel of Fortune was a modest success, a different song led Ace of